Click on the Window above for the Prayer of the Church and the Scripture for today. 
Masses and Services 
We regret to announce that until further notice there will be no weekend masses at St Gregory's church. The church is still open for Baptisms and Funerals by appointment with Deacon Jim Maguire. For any enquiries, please contact Deacon Jim Maguire on 01772 860980. 
For up-to-date news, please refer to the Sunday Newsletter 
our parish prayer 
“Father, pour out your Spirit upon the people of our Parish and grant us a new awareness of your Glory, a new experience of your Power, a new understanding of your Word, and a new commitment to your Service, so that your love may grow among us and your kingdom come, through Christ Our Lord. Amen “  
To register as a Parishioner of St Gregory’s, you can download, print and complete the Registration Form. In conformity with UK Data Protection Law, the form enables you to consent to being contacted by the Parish. You can return the completed form when you are next at Mass.  
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