For the care of people who are in hospital, please contact the Chaplain at St Clare's or ask the Hospital to page the on-call Catholic priest
anointing of the sick
The Sacrament of the Sick is for times of serious illness – it is not the sacrament of the dying. The Sacrament of the Sick is for strength, comfort and consolation, for peace and healing, and for the forgiveness of sin. As well as being intended for times of serious illness, it is appropriate that the Sacrament be given to someone before they go into hospital for major surgery, and when a person has become frail under the burden of the years. It is a Sacrament to be repeated throughout a time of illness. To receive the Sacrament of the Sick at home you should contact the Parish Office as soon as a person begins to be seriously ill or before they are due to enter hospital. To receive the Sacrament in hospital it is necessary to ask the staff on the ward to call the hospital chaplain. CLICK HERE for further information about the Sacrament of the Sick.