Masses and other Services 
Masses at St Gregory's are celebrated at 10.15 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6.30 p.m. Saturday and 10.00 a.m. Sunday. 
For Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals, please contact the church on 01772 930934 for further information or, for Funerals, your Funeral Director. Memorial Masses can be requested. 
The Sacrament of Reconciliation 
Individual Confession is available every Saturday at 6pm. There is a Community Celebration of Reconciliation with Sacramental Absolution during Lent and Advent. The Sacrament is also available to anyone who asks at any time. 
Holy Communion for the Sick and Housebound 
Holy Communion is available to those who are sick and/or housebound. Please make contact with the Parish Office, either of the clergy or any Minister of Communion and a suitable arrangement will be made for Holy Communion to be brought to the home of the sick or housebound person. Where possible, for Communion at home, a small table should be prepared and covered with a white cloth. On the table there should be a crucifix and a candle. 
The Anointing of the Sick 
This Sacrament is for any time of more serious sickness – not necessarily involving danger of death. It is appropriate before major surgery and when a person has become frail under the burden of the passing years. Please make contact with the Parish Office, either of the clergy or any Minister of Communion so that an arrangement can be made to receive this Sacrament at home.  
This is the proper Sacrament for when a person is approaching death. ‘Viaticum’ really means ‘with you on the journey’ and is Holy Communion with prayers for one who is dying. The priest should be called in good time, while the person is still conscious and able to receive communion. 
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